Update: For the 2021 season, the patch requirement has been suspended.
2021 Tournament Update: The Official Patch will only be required for the Little League Baseball and Little League Softball (Majors) divisions of play for the 2021 Little League International Tournament.
For more information visit:
- Player Eligibility and Approved Rulings for 2021
- Rules, Regulations, and Operating Policies
- Updated Guidance on Patches for 2021 Tournament Play
Little League patches are required per Little League rules and regulations. The nominal cost to purchase Little League patches for the regular season and International Tournament are expected because the Little League program is distinctive and considered the most widely accepted and participated in youth sports program in the world. Local leagues choose to charter with Little League, and as a result of that choice, Little League expects the leagues to represent the program on the sleeve of each player with the presentation of the Little League patch.
For more information visit:
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