Grant Listings by State

Please select your state from the section below to view state-specific opportunities or visit the National Grant Listings page to see grants available to the entire country.

After selecting your state, please note the geographic limits that each grant opportunity may have. Please understand that while Little League® falls into the overall mission of the listed grants, it is still very important to read the requirements listed on the site of each grant to make sure what your league is specifically looking for fits into their mission.

Little League® cannot guarantee that a local league will qualify for or receive any grant listed. Please take a few moments to read the brief description provided and explore the grant’s website to see if that grant is right for your league. While browsing their website, pay close attention to details such as application deadlines, payout periods, etc. You may find some application periods are currently closed. We encourage you to make a note and return when the application period is reopened. If you have any questions about a specific grant after exploring their website, please address them to the grant provider. Contact information can be found on their websites.

If you’re interested in adding a grant or would like one removed from our listing, please contact

State Grants

  • Alaska

    Remember to visit the National Grant Listings page for more options.

    Copper Valley Electric Association

    The Copper Valley Electric Association supports non-profit organizations in a variety of ways, including expenditures of advertising or promotional dollars, donations of equipment and labor, donation of promotional items for giveaways and fundraising, direct expenditure of funds, and the promotion of employee volunteer efforts.

    • Category: Youth Sports
    • Area Specifics: Valdez and Cordova Counties

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    Chugiak Eagle River Foundation

    The Chugiak Eagle River Foundation has established the following purposes: to make lasting improvements to the community and its residents, to foster the tradition of neighbors helping neighbors; and to promote a healthy and productive community.

    • Category: Sports/Recreation
    • Area Specifics: Anchorage County

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    Rasmuson Foundation – Tier 1

    The Rasmuson Foundation accepts applications to the Tier 1 grant program primarily for capital projects and technology upgrades for eligible Alaska organizations.

    • Category: Youth Sports
    • Area Specifics: Statewide

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    Charlotte Martin Foundation

    Grants awarded to a wide range of team sports, with an emphasis on the value of sports for lifelong participation.

    • Category: Youth Athletics
    • Area Specifics: Whole State

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    Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative (ASTAC)

    To achieve the greatest benefit from their available funding, ASTAC focus is on events and programs that directly impact the communities they serve that benefit a group or community.

    • Category: Youth Sports
    • Area Specifics: Communities that ASTAC and its affiliates serve

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  • Hawaii

    Remember to visit the National Grant Listings page for more options.

    The Dowling Community Improvement Foundation

    Focused on cornerstones of education, the environment, youth sports programs, and native Hawaiian cultural programs.

    • Category: Youth Sports
    • Area Specifics: Maui

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  • Idaho

    Remember to visit the National Grant Listings page for more options.

    Charlotte Martin Foundation

    Grants awarded to a wide range of team sports, with an emphasis on the value of sports for lifelong participation.

    • Category: Youth Athletics
    • Area Specifics: Whole State

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  • Mississippi

    Remember to visit the National Grant Listings page for more options.

    CSX Community Service Grants

    CSX Community Service Grants assist organizations that make a strong, quantifiable impact on their greater communities.

    • Category: Community Relations
    • Area Specifics: Areas served by CSX Corp.

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  • Montana

    Remember to visit the National Grant Listings page for more options.

    Charlotte Martin Foundation

    Grants awarded to a wide range of team sports, with an emphasis on the value of sports for lifelong participation.

    • Category: Youth Athletics
    • Area Specifics: Whole State

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  • Nevada

    Remember to visit the National Grant Listings page for more options.

    Smart and Final Charitable Foundation

    The Smart & Final Charitable Foundation is committed to giving back. Major focuses include team sports and youth development.

    • Category: Youth Athletics
    • Area Specifics: Must be located in a community that is serviced by Smart and Final

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  • New Mexico

    Remember to visit the National Grant Listings page for more options.

    Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation

    The Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation provides grants to youth baseball and softball organizations to promote and support the sport.

    • Category: Youth Athletics
    • Area Specifics: Whole State

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  • South Carolina

    Remember to visit the National Grant Listings page for more options.

    CSX Community Service Grants

    CSX Community Service Grants assist organizations that make a strong, quantifiable impact on their greater communities.

    • Category: Community Relations
    • Area Specifics: Areas served by CSX Corp.

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