Virtual Rules Clinic - Primary Softball Rule Differences
A closer look at the rules differences between softball and baseball. Register for the Webinar
A closer look at the rules differences between softball and baseball. Register for the Webinar
Regulations governing the umpire in Little League. Register for the Webinar
Rule 3 What needs to be addressed before the game begins and why those things are important. Rule 4 Explaining how and when a game officially begins and ends. Register […]
Register for the free Touching Base webinar on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. (ET). Topics Covered: Plate Mechanics Tracking Pitches Understanding the Strike Zone Register Now
The Umpire Mechanics Clinic to be held on February 11-13, 2022, will be conducted outside using the field facilities at Little League International. Should we experience inclement weather all field exercises and plate work will be conducted indoors. Students must be a minimum of eighteen years old to attend this clinic. Enrollment in this clinic […]
Register for the free Touching Base webinar on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. (ET). Topics Covered: Understanding and Communicating Playing Rules REGISTER NOW
Register for the free Touching Base webinar on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. (ET). Topics Covered: Recruiting New Umpires Expanding the Junior Umpire Program REGISTER NOW
Little League® International Baseball and Softball is pleased to extend a cordial invitation to all league volunteers to join our enthusiastic Little League Instructors in Williamsport, Pennsylvania on March 15-20, […]
On Saturday, April 2nd, the Boston College Eagles Baseball team invites you and your Little Leaguers® to attend its "Little League® Day" at the Harrington Athletics Village. More Information The […]
The Umpire Mechanics Clinic to be held on April 22-24, 2022, will be conducted outside using the field facilities at Little League International. Should we experience inclement weather all field […]