Division: Baseball

Hitting – Contact and Contact Point

Matt Shilling of the Baseball Factory talks about hitting, particularly contact and the contact points.

Hitting – Rhythm and Timing

Matt Shilling of the Baseball Factory talks about hitting, particularly the Rhythm and Timing of the swing.

Outside Pitch Tee Work

Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory talks about the outside pitch and driving it to the opposite field.

Finishing The Throw

Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory talks about following through on throws and finishing.

Finishing The Swing

Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory talks about the importance of finishing the swing in this video.

Hitting – Finish

Matt Shilling of the Baseball Factory talks about hitting, particularly the finish to the swing.

Inside Pitch-Outside Pitch Tee Work

Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory talks about working on the inside pitch and the outside pitch in this video.

Getting out of the Batter’s Box – Right Handed Batter

Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory talks about getting out of the batter’s box as a right handed hitter.

Arm Path When Throwing

Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory shows the proper arm path when throwing.

Hitting – Setup – Grip and Stance

Matt Shilling of the Baseball Factory talks about hitting, particularly the Set up, Grip and Stance.