Division: Baseball

Uncaught Third Strike (obvious) – Mechanic

The “Uncaught Third Strike” Mechanic is used when the batter becomes a runner due to the third strike not being caught with two outs or first base unoccupied. If you […]

Check Swing, Ask for Help – Strike Mechanic

The “Check Swing, Ask for Help” Mechanic is used when a batter checks their swing and the catcher requests that the umpire asks their partner for assistance with the call. […]

Check Swing, Batter Offers Mechanic

The “Check Swing – Batter Offers” Mechanic is used when a batter starts their swing and then attempts to stop it but is unsuccessful. It is also used when the […]

Out – Mechanic

The “Out” Mechanic is used by both the Base and Plate Umpire. The “Out” Mechanic is an extension of the “Hands-On-Knees Set” Position. If you have not watched the “Hands-On-Knees […]

Safe – Mechanic

The “Safe” Mechanic is an extension of the “Hands-On-Knees Set” Position. If you have not watched the “Hands-On-Knees Set” Position video, you may want to do so prior to watching […]

Set – Safe Mechanic

The “Set – Safe” Mechanic uses the “Hands-On-Knees Set” Position and the “Safe” Mechanic. If you have not watched the “Hands-On-Knees Set” Position and the “Safe” Mechanic videos, you may […]

Putting Ball in Play Mechanic

The “Putting the Ball in Play” Mechanic is used when starting the game, starting an inning, “Time” has been called, or the ball becomes dead for any other reason. The […]

Uncaught Third Strike – Tag

The “Uncaught Third Strike” Mechanic is used by the Plate Umpire when the batter becomes a runner due to the third strike not being caught with first base unoccupied or […]

Uncaught Third Strike – No Catch

The “Uncaught Third Strike” Mechanic is used by the Plate Umpire when the batter becomes a runner due to the third strike not being caught with first base unoccupied or […]

Out – On the Tag Mechanic

The “Out – On the Tag” Mechanic is an extension of the “Out” Mechanic and is used indicate to players, coaches, and fans that the first baseman tagged the batter-runner […]