“Dear Girls with Game” – Kevin Feinberg

dear girls with game

Dear Girls With Game,

We would be nothing without you. Your contributions, both on and off the field, are irreplaceable.

I’ve had the privilege of being around sports and in a team-oriented environment for a majority of my life – from my early days of playing and coaching for Four County Little League in Maryland, to my co-ed softball intramural days at Temple University, and ultimately into my professional career now at Little League International. What each of these environments have in common are the powerful girls and women I have been surrounded by.

Each of you are a difference maker and I am truly grateful to have been surrounded by such extraordinary female teammates, family members, colleagues, and friends both on and off the field throughout my life. I have learned so much from each of you.

Through all of that, one lesson in particular still sticks out to me, even to this day. Growing up, in every aspect of life, my mom always encouraged my sisters and me to get out of our comfort zones. So that is my advice to you – get a little bit uncomfortable. Step out of your comfort zone, whether that be trying something new or making sure your voice is heard. Be a difference maker like many of those that made a difference to me. Be a Girl with Game.

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Cheers to all you Girls with Game – past, present, and future!

With admiration,

Kevin Feinberg, Little League Director of Partnership Marketing

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NOTE: The “Dear Girls with Game” letter series is a piece of the #GWG50 Celebration in 2024, with written letters from staff members from Little League International focused at inspiring the next generation of Girls with Game. To learn more about this initiative, visit LittleLeague.org/GWG50. The #GWG50 celebration is proudly supported by DICK’S Sporting Goods, a long-time Little League partner that is committed to creating opportunities for girls and women in sports and will be activating around key events and milestones this year.