After the conclusion of the regular season, many families are interested in continuing to participate in organized Little League® activities. Tournament of Champions (TOC) or other organized events outside of the Little League International Tournament provide local leagues an option to extend the Little League season well into the summer months. These events also provide opportunities for players who are not participating in the International Tournament an opportunity to experience the excitement of tournament play.

Tournament of Champions events are often organized by local District Administrators prior to the International Tournament. These events typically allow regular season teams that won their local league division to participate against other league champions from within their district in a local tournament. These events are great community tournaments and allow for additional playing opportunities.

Another, means for parents and players to enjoy additional Little League experiences, and for leagues to raise funds, is by hosting a camp or clinic. Local leagues can organize a day-long, weekend, or week-long clinic that invites players to practices skills and play additional games. It is recommended that organizers use the training materials available on Little League University ( and, if desired, use a “pick-up game” format for games. A fee can be charged to help offset costs and provide revenue to the host league or district.

Games played are a camp or clinic, like all Little League games, are intended to be fun, but using the “pick-up” approach allows more Little Leaguers® to interact and meet different volunteer coaches and players from other leagues.

Here are a few common questions about TOC’s, camps, clinics, and additional play opportunities:

Does our league require additional insurance coverage to participate in these events?

No. Approved local league insurance covers participation in these events.

Do we have to pay an entry fee to Little League International to participate?

The only time a league will pay a tournament entry fee to Little League International is for the International Tournament. Fees may be attached to these locally-run events based on the operating costs incurred by the league or district.

Can the training materials be downloaded from Little League University?

Yes. Most of the articles, PDFs, and other training materials can be downloaded from; and all are free.

Can our league host a tournament as a fundraiser?

Yes. Local leagues are permitted to host additional play events to raise money for the local league. Please refer to the Special Games process to learn more about hosting events at your local league.

If you, or your league, have other “Additional Play” events or ideas, please share them with Little League International by contacting: Little League Support.