Streaming and Webcasting Using the Internet: FAQs, Guidelines, and Policies

Local leagues and districts are welcome to share their Little League® activities via the Internet using webcasting and streaming platforms.
If a league is self-producing a commercial-free webcast or contracting with a webcast/streaming platform, Little League International does not require notification.
All other webcasts require a contract agreement between the league, the district and the third-party company before the webcast can be streamed (live or recorded). All commercial webcasting contracts are available on the Forms and Publications page under Media.
Guidance for Self-Producing Internet Webcast and Streams Using Social Media
If your league or teams are interested in using Internet Social Media to video stream local league, regular-season games, or other league events through a team’s or league’s dedicated social media page such as Facebook, Little League® International does not require the league or team to seek formal permission in the form of written documentation.
However, it is required that at least two days prior to the event/game, the team or league intending to share the webcast/stream through its social media page notify its league members, the League President of the other league if it is an interleague situation, the managers and coaches for both teams participating in the game, the families of all of the players, the players themselves, the umpires, and anyone else who may be associated with the event/game who has the possibility that they/he/she may be seen as part of the streamed event/game. Also, if the field facility where the game is to be played is not owned by the host league, the property owner is to be notified in advance of the event/game. Be sure to survey the surrounding conditions where the event/game is to be held to assure there are no safety concerns.
Also, the placement of the device(s) streaming the game CANNOT be located inside the facility’s fence or on the field of play, create a safety risk to any of the game’s participants, distract players or coaches, obstruct the view of persons attending the game, or be placed in either dugout.
It is preferred that the participating teams have signed (current year) form release and waiver (formerly model release) in hand prior to the event/game being streamed. Local leagues should use the current form release and waiver template to customize for your league events. These signed releases are to be delivered to your league’s division coordinator or vice president and kept on file for as long as the video is available for public display.
If the event/game, once completed, is to be downloaded and shared to a league website, or a third-party website such as YouTube, that decision is to be disclosed to all parties involved in the game prior to the event/game taking place. The video recording of the game (if involving two chartered/official Little League teams or approved special games agreement) remains the property of Little League Baseball, Incorporated and CANNOT be sold, gifted to, or shared with, any team or league sponsor for commercial or promotional purposes. Little League Baseball, Incorporated also reserves the right to request that the team and/or league provide all, or part, of the native video for the purpose of review, promotion, training, or education.
The video of the event/game CANNOT be used as a local league fundraiser, distributed as a gift to any individual or corporate entity, or displayed publicly where admission is charged.
Lastly, once the decision is made to stream the event/game, and all participating parties are notified, if even one individual objects to their image/likeness being included in the stream, then it is Little League International’s recommendation that the event/game not be streamed.
Review these frequently asked questions and use the guidelines and policies to decide which agreement that best serves your needs.
VIEW Internet Webcast & Streaming FAQS